Exploring Waterfalls in Monsoon? How To Stay Safe In The Monsoon Season

Precautions for exploring waterfalls in monsoon

The monsoon season brings out the fullest glory of Maharashtra. Enjoying the surreal hills, picturesque ghats and cascading waterfalls, all come to life, making the best monsoon escapes for the state’s people. The best time to visit Lonavala is between June and September for exploring waterfalls in monsoon with Maharashtra Tour Packages. While Mumbaikars and Punekars are just a road trip away from these gorgeous waterfalls, others can book cheap flights to Mumbai and Pune to explore Maharashtra’s waterfalls. 

Visitors enjoying at Lonavala’s Bhushi Dam
Image Credit: Raksha Shelare

However, all this nature’s beauty can turn treacherous within moments. Heavy monsoons mean high probabilities of flash floods, slippery terrains, strong currents, etc. In recent news circulating over the internet, one can see a family of 8 to 9 being swept away near Lonavala’s Bhushi Dam while exploring the waterfalls in monsoon. They were stuck in the middle of the waterfall, despite several warnings not to go there. These kinds of incidents are reported, every monsoon season as people ignore the warning signs put up and risk their lives for some thrills

While these accidents cannot be completely avoided, you can follow some simple measures while exploring waterfalls in monsoon season to ensure your safety. 

Check Weather Forecast Beforehand

Check Weather Forecast Beforehand
Image Credit: nednapa

Before planning your trip to the waterfalls, make sure you check the weather forecast online. If there are chances of heavy rainfall, limited visibility or any kind of alerts, it is wise to postpone your trip. Even if there are torrential rains after you reach the spot, stay clear of the water as flash floods can occur anytime. 

Avoid Off-Road Adventures

The wanderlust in you might want to steer away from the crowds while exploring waterfalls in monsoon and instead look for a secluded location, like the origin of waterfalls or less-crowded trails. This is what happened in the case of the Bhushi dam tragedy; in order to avoid the crowd, the family chose to enjoy the backwaters of the dam resulting in the tragic deaths of 5 members. These unventured trails can be extremely risky, especially during the monsoon season. It is sane to stick to the permitted routes or where most of the crowds are. Look out for any danger signs or consult the locals before you venture out to explore. 

Avoid Swimming Into Waterfall Pools

Avoid Swimming in Waterfall Pools
Image Credit: Santosh Ambure

While taking a dip in the waterfall pools may seem tempting, these pools tend to have strong currents underneath. Strong currents paired with a rise in water level can be fatal even for those who know swimming. If you can’t resist the urge to swim, make sure to test the waters, remain in shallow waters and do not attempt risky dives. 

Carry Appropriate Gear

It is important that you are wearing proper clothing and shoes with grip during these treks. Don’t forget to carry appropriate trekking gear like a light raincoat, quick-drying clothes and a first-aid kit. 

Take Help Of Locals

Make sure you know the routes and dangers of visiting any particular waterfall or trek in the monsoon season. Locals know the area the best and can guide you to exploring the water bodies better. Pay heed to their warnings regarding potential hazards in and around the area. 

Avoid Night Travel

Travelling at night during heavy rains should be completely avoided in all circumstances. With limited visibility, there are high risks of falls and slips. Also, the number of nocturnal animals roaming at night time can be potentially risky. Instead, reach the destination early and book cheap hotels to simply enjoy the state’s serenity during the monsoon season and start your adventures early in the morning. 

While having fun and exploring nature is vital, it is all the more important to stay alert and sound at these times. A calamity or accident can happen anytime and anywhere. Hence, it is important to stay alert at all times. If there is any emergency or trouble, call for help. Do not try to put your life in danger trying to rescue someone else, unless you are a trained professional. 

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