Sudheer Karamana, an outstanding South Actor, didn’t always want to pursue acting, having worked for Government service as a teacher and a Secondary Girls’ School principal. But he’s here today as one of the best in the Malayalam film industry after receiving a push from his father, Karamana Janardana Nair, a prominent Indian actor known for his outstanding roles! Sudheer has since grown to fall in love with everything acting-related as much as he loves travel. Before we look at his exclusive celeb travel Q&A, let’s discover a bit about his spectacular celeb travel journey on the path of acting in Malayalam cinema.

The Mollywood actor Sudheer Karamana was born in 1971 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. His debut as an actor was in the telefilm Maraviyude Manam in 2005, after which he immediately starred in Lion and Vaasthavam in 2006. Since then, he has starred in over 50 Malayalam films, including Amen, City of God, Urumbukal Urangarilla, Nirnayakam, Saptamashree Taskaraha, and Ennu Ninte Moideen.

Sudheer Karamana on the set of Pulimurugan
Sudheer Karamana on the set of Pulimurugan
Image credit: IMDb

In previous years, Sudheer Karamana has also worked with Benzy Studio Productions, based in Kerala, which helped him reach great heights. The production house is currently working with Kailash as the lead actor to release the action-thriller film Oru Anweshanathinte Thudakkam.

Aren’t you just in awe of Sudheer Karamana’s magnificent acting career? Then you’ll definitely agree with his celeb travel tips and destinations! If you don’t have any travel plans for 2025, here’s an exclusive celeb travel Q&A to show you what you’ll be missing out on!

  1. Your favourite travel destination and why?
    👉 New Zealand. Heard a lot of positive points. Climate, attitude of nationalities, rules and human care.
  2. Three items you can’t travel without?
    👉 Medicines, family, and friends.
  3. What’s the longest flight you’ve ever been on?
    👉 India to US
  4. The craziest food you’ve tried while travelling?
    👉 I always like to try the food of the nation, but only if it doesn’t hinder my beliefs and taste.
  5. One place you haven’t been yet but absolutely want to visit?
    👉 South American countries.
  6. What do you miss most about home when you’re travelling?
    👉 Parents
  7. The one place/destination you’d love to visit again and again?
    👉 Nowhere
  8. Have you ever missed a flight?
    👉 No
  9. One adventure sport you’re absolutely scared to try?
    👉 Bungee jumping and rope climbing
  10. Any not-so-good travel experience?
    👉 No
  11. Have you ever travelled somewhere and didn’t want to leave?
    👉 Outskirts of London
  12. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?
    👉 Scotland
  13. Any message for your fans?
    👉 In this tense world only way to relax is travelling. Keep moving.

Do you agree with Sudheer’s excellent celeb travel diaries? If yes, what are you waiting for? Hop on a cheap flight to New Zealand, Sudheer’s favourite destination! You can also explore every part and famous attraction at this destination with all-inclusive New Zealand tour packages for an unbeatable celeb travel experience!  

The first step to escape and create your own celeb travel stories is to apply for a New Zealand visa, with a 3-month validity and multiple entries! You should also book the best hotels in New Zealand, providing magical views outdoors to make your celeb travel experience more movie-like, with Sudheer’s movies playing in the background! So, what’s the delay? Pack up and get to Sudheer’s favourite celeb travel destination! Who knows, it might become your favourite as well.

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